Ranger compliance control demonstrations


A video highlighting some of the compliance control work the SSL robotics group has done over the years is available in a 6 Mb QuickTime or 36 Mb QuickTime version.




Ranger NBVI neutral buoyancy operations

1995 - 2000

As we put together our presentation for the Air Force, we realized that there was some great footage of Ranger NBVI performing tasks over the last couple of years.  Check out the Ranger NBV website if you interested in more of what is has accomplished over the years.

Orbital Replacement Unit Replacement
(3.8 Mb QuickTime)


Electronics Control Unit task
(278 Kb QuickTime)


Free-fly to grapple at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center's Neutral Buoyancy Simulator
(536 Kb QuickTime)


Grappling worksite
(576 Kb QuickTime)


Opening door panel
(900 Kb QuickTime)

Payload maneuvering
(497 Kb QuickTime)

(435 Kb QuickTime)

Click on the picture to start the video




NASA Telerobotic Intercenter Working Group (TRIWG)
Ranger Presentations

1996 and 1997

Every year, the Space Systems Laboratory presented the status of research projects at an annual Telerobotic Intercenter Working Group get-together sponsored by NASA's Space Telerobotics Program.  Below are the videos that the SSL showed in 1996 and 1997, respectively.

TRIWG 1996 video
(18.8 Mb QuickTime)

TRIWG 1997 video
(18.2 Mb QuickTime)

Click on the picture to start the video


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